Delivery excellence


Many organizations struggle with delivering large, complex industrial projects. We help our clients to develop their capabilities in order to successfully execute high-CAPEX projects involving multiple stakeholders.


Typical projects


Project management maturity assessment

We evaluate an organization’s project management (PM) capabilities utilizing our strong research background in project business combined with international PM standards. Based on our analysis, we formulate business-driven roadmaps to develop PM capabilities for successful project delivery.


Competence development

We help industrial expert organizations to develop their business-critical competencies through structured training programs linked to career levels and certifications.


Large project governance

Traditional project management methodologies are insufficient for managing complex, capital-intensive projects (> 1 billion EUR CAPEX). We evaluate projects in order to find the optimal governance models that will improve and secure a successful project outcome.


The productization of industrial services

We help product-focused industrial companies in developing value-adding industrial services spanning the complete project lifecycle. Service productization is about taking control over what you sell, how you deliver it, and how you get properly paid for the value you bring to your customer.


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