Satisfied with the freight services you are getting? Now you have a possibility to have your say.

Are you satisfied with the freight services you are getting? Our report on the “Uber of the Seas” shows that sea freight is inefficient and could be improved a lot. You now have a chance to have your say in what kind of systemic renewal is needed to break from the old, inefficient ways of working. 

Take part in our freight benchmarking survey on how well freight currently works. Everyone who answers gets a benchmark report showing how they fare compared to others. The survey is completely confidential and only takes 10 minutes to fill in. Check out the questions through the link below!


We approach the freight industry with a renewed structure and logic  - the Uber of the Seas. The innovations include new technologies, business models, financing models, and governance models; they complement and reinforce each other. Your opinion on the current situation is extremely important when we develop new models.